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What is a Last Will and Testament?
A Last Will and Testament is a legal document that sets forth your preferences regarding asset distribution after death, such as who will inherit your personal belongings, your money, or your home.
The person making a Will is known as the "testator," while the individual or organization appointed to oversee the testator's estate after death is called the "executor." As a result of having this essential document, your executor(s) will have a point of reference for your decisions.
When can you use a Last Will and Testament?
- You'd like your property distributed according to your wishes after your death.
- You'd like to specify the people or organizations that will and will not receive your property after your death.
- You'd like to list the person or group who will carry out the terms of the last Will.
- You'd like to name who's responsible for minor children if their other parent is unable to take care of them.
- You want to ensure certain people can access your digital assets, such as saved documents, photos, email accounts, social media websites, online backup services, file sharing websites, domain names and other accounts or digital property.
- Note: If the value of what you own is going to be larger than the federal estate tax exemption amount, it's a good idea to get an attorney.
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Legal sources
Find the sources and laws relevant to your Last Will and Testament below:
- Alabama laws: Ala. Code §§ 43-8-1(34), 43-8-131, 43-8-135
- Alaska laws: As. Code §§ 13.12.502, 13.06.068
- Arizona laws: A.R.S § 14-2503, 14-2502, 14-2506, 14-2513
- Arkansas laws: Ark. Code § 28-25-103
- California laws: CA Prob Code §§ 88, 6110-6113
- Colorado laws: C.R.S 15-10-201(59), 15-11-502, 15-11-503, 15-11-506, 15-11-513
- Connecticut laws: Conn. Chapter 802a Sect. 45a-250 to 267
- Delaware laws: 12 Del. Law c. 2 § 201-214
- District of Columbia laws: D.C. Law 1-75 §§ 18-102 and 18-103
- Florida laws: F.S. §§ 731.201, 732.502
- Georgia laws: O.C.G.A. §§ 53-1-2(17), 53-4-20
- Hawaii laws: H.R.S 560:1-201, 560:2-502, 560:2-503, 560:2-506, 560:2-513
- Idaho laws: Idaho Code §§ 15-1-201(56), 15-2-501, 15-2-502, 15-2-503
- Illinois laws: 755 ILCS § 5/4-3, 5/1-2.18
- Indiana laws: Ind. Code §§ 29-1-1-3(27) and 29-1-5-3
- Iowa laws: Iowa Code §§ 633.3(43), 633.279
- Kansas laws: K.S.A. 59-606 and 59-608
- Kentucky laws: K.R.S 394.040
- Louisiana laws: Louisiana Civil Code, Articles 1577 -1582.1.
- Maine laws: M.R.S 18-C § 2-502
- Maryland laws: Md. Code, Est. & Trusts § 4-102
- Massachusetts laws: Mass. Gen. Laws Ann. § 2-502.
- Michigan laws: M.C.L 700.2502, 700.2503
- Minnesota laws: MN Stat. § 524.2-502
- Mississippi laws: Miss. Code § 91-5-1
- Missouri laws: R.S.Mo 474.320
- Montana laws: Montana Code Annotated 72-2-522.
- Nebraska laws: NE Code § 30-2327
- Nevada laws: NRS §§ 133.300, 133.310, 133.320, 133.330, 133.340
- New Hampshire laws: N.H. Rev. Stat. § 551:2
- New Jersey laws: N.J. Stat. § 3B:3-2
- New Mexico laws: N.M. Stat § 45-2-502
- New York laws: N.Y Code § 3-2.1
- North Carolina laws: N.C.G.S § 31-3.3
- North Dakota laws: N.D. Cent. Code §§ 30.1-08-01 (2-501), 30.1-08-02 (2-502), 30.1-08-03 (2-503), 30.1-08-04 (2-504)
- Ohio laws: O.R.C § 2107.03
- Oklahoma laws: 84 OK Stat § 84-55
- Oregon laws: ORS §§112.235,112.238
- Pennsylvania laws: Pennsylvania Code § Title 20 2502
- Rhode Island laws: R.I. Gen. Laws § 33-5-5
- South Carolina laws: SC Code § 62-2-502, 62-2-512, 62-2-505 (2013)
- South Dakota laws: SL 1995, ch 167, § 2-502
- Tennessee laws: TN Code §§ 32-1-101, 32-1-104
- Texas laws: Texas Estate Code §§ 251.051, 251.052, 251.001, 251.002
- Utah laws: Utah Code § 75-2-502
- Vermont laws: 14 V.S.A. § 5
- Virginia laws: Code of Virginia § 64.2-403
- Washington laws: RCW 11.12.020
- West Virginia laws: W.V. Code §41-1-3
- Wisconsin laws: Wisconsin Probate Code § 853.03
- Wyoming laws: Wyo. Stat. § 2-6-112
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